A good long techo discussion and i come up with this . Some insights into a problem long known and discussed . A good interview question that can be brought up for discussion and i totally loved it!!
King and Wine problem :-
The standard King and wine pblm is a very often asked puzzle . Suppose a
king had 1000 bottles of wine and some traitor poisoned 1 of the bottles but
was caught immediately after that .
The poison takes 1 hour to take to effect and even a single drop can cause
death . The King wants to find which bottle had the poison. He can used
prisoners to so the same .
What will the king do to find the poisoned bottle in 1 hour?
First solution -
This solution will get you least no of prisoners involved
Convert each bottle to binary no .
bottle 1 = 0000000001 (10 digit binary)
bottle 2 = 0000000010
bottle 1000 = 1111101000
Let each digit on this represent a prisoner . P1.......P10
So depending upon which prisoners die we can identify the bottle .
Suppose P3,P5, P6 ,P7 ,P8,
P9 die , then it means that bottle
0111110100 = 500 had the poison.
This approach guarantees less prisoners are involved but can involved many
deaths as well.
Second solution :-
This will guarantee that less of prisoners die
Align 1000 bottles into a 2 dimentional array (32 X 32 array)
P1 drinks from all bottles in the column P1 (B1, B33...)
P33 drinks from all bottles in column P33 (B1...B32)
Depending on which 2 prisoners die , We can find the bottle
(Extension to this - instead of 2
direction use a 3 dimensional array (10 x 10 x10 ) and depend ingon which 3
prisoners die identify the bottle . Hence 30 prisoners)