Friday 8 June 2018

Don't stop learning

The body of a lobster is very soft. In order to protect itself from other enemies, it creates a shell around it. When it needs to create a shell, it goes under a rock to hide from its predators and then generates the shell .Now when the lobster grows; the shell becomes uncomfortable because the shell does not grow. Finally the lobster realizes from the uncomfortable feeling that it has grown. Then it goes back to the rock for hiding and generates the shell. This process of the lobster growing and regenerating the shell is a continuous process. 

 Same is the process of learning, while we are learning we need to encounter discomforts. The more uncomfortable you are the more you will learn. Quitter might be complacent but they do not grow. Adverse situations make us grow. Cause we learn. Learning make us move forward. It is our way of adapting to life. It took me a hell lot of effort to fight myself to change my team after 7 years of being in the same team. Change brings churn. You might feel underappreciated, always on toes but at the end of the day you have learnt more, your brain has made more neural connections.

Some confuse learning with competing. These are very different concepts. When you are competing, you are competing against A, B, C and other people. But when you are learning, the only other person you are competing with is yourself.  Are you better that what you knew /learnt yesterday? There is only one agenda. Am I giving my personal best today? If not what should I do to be better today

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